I've watched social media posts express outrage, but I've seen many ignore this tragedy and many say "maybe this isn't just a race thing". I've read posts from the social media outlet Yik-Yak and I have been deeply disgusted that people walk around with such deep-seated hatred for people of color. I've watched my little sister, her peers, and friends that are still at UVa feel so alienated. I spent last weekend at UVa grateful that my sister was safe, but wondering what people were thinking as I walked in cafes/stores in the Charlottesville community. Last week, I mourned. I was reminded of the first time I learned about racism. At age 5, I watched as a close family member was unlawfully treated and spoke harshly too. I tried to understand why my color could make people so angry.
Martese's wounds hit hard.
I've seen so many reactions to the term "black lives matter" but I want to make this clear, when we chant black lives matter, we are saying that NO ONE should have his/her head bashed on the ground for no reason. We are saying that despite the SAE racist chants that found their way to Duke University's campus last week, WE MATTER. That while people say "this isn't a race thing", we clearly see that we can be targeted for the color of our skin. Please take a look at these cases on all campuses. Because this isn't an isolated event.
Eric Garner. Tamir Rice. Mike Brown. Trayvon Martin. Their lives matter
Martese's life matters
No one deserves to have his/her life taken. No one deserves to be chained or jailed for no apparent reason. No one deserves to have racial slurs screamed at his/her face. Black UVa students don't deserve the comments or ignorance on the campus. Take a minute and think why must someone not say this is a "race thing"?
"If you aren't angry, you aren't paying attention"
- Tonyette
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