Saturday, June 18, 2016

His Crazy Faithfulness

Hi loves, 

I promise, I promise - I am still a blogger. The past few months have been a whirlwind of things from weddings, repaired friendships, learning the art of patience, completing my first  year of graduate school, fulfilled promises, healed wounds, moving to a new city, and entering into a relationship. 

He. Is. Crazy. Faithful 

I heard Heather Lindsey say these words over 4 years ago as God beckoned me to draw closer after I tried finding purpose in things that failed me. 

For me, these past few months have greatly shown me how beautiful God is and how marvelous His works are. I've learned that I can't walk by my emotions, the things I can or cannot see, circumstances, thoughts, the reactions of others. Honestly, close to three years ago, I was in a period where I didn't understand why certain things happened in many aspects of my life. It was downright frustrating because the way I envisioned my life was NOT how it was working out. Yes, I recognized I was blessed in certain aspects, but I couldn't see how God was working in my life. When I made the choice to wholeheartedly follow Jesus, I didn't realize God would take me on a faith journey.

I am literally in awe at how God has opened many doors that I thought closed in my face three years ago. None of this is because I am more "blessed" or because I did the "right" things, I realized that it is simply because God calls us to truly and fully lay every situation at His feet. It means believing for that next step even when you can't even fathom how to maneuver. Three years ago, I used to cry myself to sleep not understanding why I was called to do a certain job, live in a certain city, make new friends, find a new church, anxiously wait as a single woman.

I just want to encourage one person to believe in His faithfulness. No matter how big the vision, how crazy the promise, or how delayed these things may seem - trust that His faithfulness is soooo crazy that He and He alone can make these things work out. He does these things NOT for me or for you, but for HIS purpose and His glory. None of these things are about me. Yes, I may be happy, but I ultimately want to lay them back at His feet for Him to do His will with them <3 . Friends, this isn't about us - it is about giving the Kingdom so much glory with our lives, jobs, relationships, hobbies. 

 Trust that yes, even though a dream, vision, or a promise may seem a little irrational, nothing is impossible with His crazy faithfulness <3